Miscellaneous notes 2022

This document contains only my personal opinions and calls of judgement, and any comment is an opinion, in my judgement.

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These notes are opinions about miscellaneous (non-computing) topics, often brief informal reviews of products or shops or places ranging from canned food to pubs.

2022 March

20221230 Fri: Sourdough focaccia at M&S

With characteristic M&S describe one of their products as M&S FOOD COLLECTION CRAFTED ROSEMARY & ROCK SALT SOURDOUGH FOCACCIA:


With a unique sourdough starter for an incredibly bubble texture. Finished with extra virgin olive oil, rosemary and rock salt.


That is just like focaccia is made (or should be made) in a bakery.

Well it is actually pretty good (and quite expensive of course), quite similar to the ordinary focaccia made in a bakery. The only difference wit the the bakery version is that it is too thick, but it is still pretty good, that is much better than nearly other focaccia I have had for some years.