Grml - Linux for sysadmins and users of texttools 09F807 70 Grml configuration options ========================== myconfig=/dev/ice -> search for config.tbz and on specifed device extract=/directory -> extract only provided directory of config archive netconfig=server.tld/path/to/config.tbz -> download specified archive and extract it noautoconfig -> do not automount device labeled with GRMLCFG file=configname.tbz -> use specified filename as configuration archive partconf=/dev/sdx# -> copy files specified in /etc/grml/partconf from /dev/sdx# to the Grml system Usage examples: grml myconfig=/dev/sda1 -> mount usb device and extract config.tbz and execute if present grml -> download file and extract it grml myconfig=/dev/fd0 file=foobar.tbz -> extract archive from floppy grml partconf=/dev/hda2 -> mount partition read-only and get files specified in /etc/grml/partconf 1f